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Day 19: All hail the power of newsletters

Chapter 20by Tim Kock

newsletter quotes

1.Tweet today’s quote→ 2. Get to work!

You know you need to remind people about your new store, but you can’t afford to put more time and resources into Facebook ads, and manually sending individual DMs on Instagram can get stressful (not to mention, it puts you at risk of being labelled as ‘irritating’).

Fortunately, there’s a cost-effective alternative available, and it gives you the ability to reach people in a place they visit daily – their inbox.

If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m talking about email newsletters.

While channels like Instagram and Facebook are great for distributing content and reminding people of your existence, they’re also noisy and your message may not reach everyone when you post an update.

A newsletter, in comparison, stands a better chance of being seen and read as it goes out in a person’s email –58% of peoplefirst check emails at the start of their day, and77% of themprefer this medium for permission-based promotional messages.

Today, we’re going to:

  • Create an email newsletter in Gmail
  • Go through some newsletter content templates designed to help you get that first sale

Let’s jump in.

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Creating email newsletters in Gmail

With Gmail leading your email marketing efforts from the front, it makes good sense to know how to set up a newsletter in this email client. Most entrepreneurs, however, are simply clueless about where to begin. And I don’t blame them; Gmail isn’t popular for creating email newsletters.

That said, I don’t recommend investing in a high-end email marketing tool just to create newsletters, especially if your subscriber count is between 100-200. It’s better to just stick to Gmail and find ways to make it work.

Amanda Asks

“Are there any tools to help with sending newsletters in Gmail?”

My answer:Flashissue is a good one. Let’ quickly go through the steps involved in creating a newsletter with this tool.

  1. Openflashissue.comin your web browser. When the site loads, click on ‘Sign Up for Free’ to get started.
  2. Sign in using your Gmail account. If you have multiple Gmail accounts, Flashissue will give you an option to select the one you want to use for sending newsletters.

flashissue gmail

  1. You’ll then see the following dashboard-like screen in your web browser.

how to use flashissue

  1. Click on the ‘New Email’ button at the top of the screen and then click ‘Themed’ to see a gallery of pre-configured newsletter templates. Scroll through them and choose the one you like.

flashissue themed gallery

  1. When the template loads, what you’ll see is a pre-configured newsletter with content already in it.

flashissue newsletters

  1. Now if you hover over the various parts of the newsletter, you’ll see that different ‘blocks of content’ are highlighted. These give you the ability to edit the content in the newsletter.

preconfigured gmail newsletters

  1. Click on any block and you’ll be able to change its content in a mini-editor. You’d also be able to insert images inside the blocks. And there’s also an option to add a link to the image.

editor flashissue

  1. Moreover, Flashissue gives an option to add more blocks of content to a newsletter. These can be added in the form of text, image, button, sidebar, and more.

  1. The final design option you have is the ability to change the background color of your entire newsletter.

designing newsletters for gmail

  1. Once you’re finished with the design, you can just go ahead and click ‘Send’ to send your email.
  2. If you want to save the newsletter you just designed and edited as a template for future use, you can just click on the ‘Design’ button, click ‘Save As (New Template)’, name it, and go to ‘My Templates’ to access it whenever you desire.

send emails newsletters

  1. Additionally, you can source content from your store using theFlashissue Google Chromeextension. It will make that content available in a dialog box inside the Flashissue editor.

flashissue chrome extension

  1. You can then add it to your newsletter by dragging it from the dialog box on the right and dropping it into the body of the newsletter.

That’s it for the steps. Now you can send newsletters from Gmail directly to give subscribers an extra nudge.

Another solid reason for using Flashissue is that it allows you to create an email list.

Populating the email list is extremely easy. You can:

  1. Add people from your Gmail contacts (I advise doing this)

Gmail contacts people

  1. Upload a .CSV file (using Excel). It’s the one I recommended you to use onDay 13.

upload .csv flashissue

After creating an email list, you can just go back to the Flashissue editor, click on the field titled